This page shows all the charges that your account has been charged against. The page shows your most recent charges, followed by older ones down the line. To get a better understanding, you can filter your transactions by category, and/or check your transactions within a date range.
The following list gives a short brief about each field.
Table Fields
- The table covers the following fields: Timestamp, Category, Particulars, Debit, Credit, Net.
- Choose one or more filters to display those particular categories. Choose among the options shown below.
- You can filter along 4 categories, AlgoBulls Money, Transaction Charges, Credit from Parent and Strategy Build Charges. -
Start/End Date
- Give the date range to view the table for the selected category (if any)
The table covers the following fields:
- Time of Transaction.Category
- Nature of Transaction.Particulars
- Details of Transaction (No. of minutes usage)Debit
- Amount Debited on the date of transaction.Credit
- Amount Credited on the date of transaction.Net
- Net Debit or Credit as on date.
A look at the toolbar¶
- Choose the density of the data you see. Options are Larger, Middle and Compact
Full Screen
- The current tab on your browser goes Full Screen. Click again to go back to normal. This is similar to pressing F11 on most browsers and operating systems.
- If you are not able to see an entry (possibly a most recent one) in the table, click Refresh to check again.
- You can select which columns should be visible through here.